How to Grow a Hedge Maple in Your Garden?

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Acer Campestre or Maple grows in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Such trees look outstanding in your garden. You can display this species aesthetically or use its timber.

Antonio Stradivari, one of the famous violin designers, applied this plantation for some of his products. Let’s discuss how to grow a hedge maple in your garden?

Growing the Hedge Maple in the Home Garden

Common names: Apart from hedge maple, it’s also known as field maple and common Maple. The species of Maple plants originates from Asia and Europe. Hedge maple is the solo native of Britain. It also has an Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Preferred USDA Hardiness Zones: Zones 5- 8.

Dimensions: In domestic conditions, maple trees can grow up to 25 to 35 feet tall. In wild areas, the height can be up to 100 feet because of optimal growing conditions. No matter wherever Maple grows, it always has a round shape.

Exposure: Plant a maple tree in a location where I can get full sunlight. If you cannot find any such spot, then an area with partial shade can also work.

Foliage and fruits: Here comes the most exciting fact. The maple leaves turn different shades of yellow in the fall. It’s a monoecious plantation. Hence, male and female flowers grow on the same tree.

Maple fruits look like two wings joined together in a straight line instead of creating an angle. Also known as samara, this fruit is dry.

Preferred species: Hedge maple is an excellent addition to your garden because it can handle natural and artificial troubles, including drought, compact soil, pollution and more. The choice of species depends upon your preferences. If you like variegated leaves, then try the ‘Pulverulentum’ cultivar.

Also read: How Do You Maintain a Healthy Hedge?

Do you prefer yellow foliage? We suggest Postelense. Go for ‘Compactum maple if you want dwarf plantations. It’s also perfect if you wish to create a Bonsai in your garden. Try the ‘Microphyllum’ cultivate because of its small leaves that look great on such short greens.

Soil: Maple can grow on soil with pH levels of alkaline or acidic. Plus, it can handle all types of soils. However, these trees grow well in inclement conditions.

Design: Hedge maples are one of the best plants if you want to create a formal or informal boundary for your garden. Its name is sufficient to understand this fact. If you are going to plant them along a street or walkway, then prune the growing branches frequently. Otherwise, they will disturb the pedestrians or moving vehicles.

Pests: Mites, caterpillars, borers, aphids, and scales are some of the invaders. Keep your plants safe from them.

Diseases: Hedge maples are prone to verticillium wilt, tar spot, root rots, leaf spots, and cankers.

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How to Grow a Maple Tree?

You can plant a nursery grown plant to enjoy a fully grown tree after some years. But, we can tell you a couple of other ways if you don’t have access to a nursery.

Tree cuttings: You can quickly get a tree cutting in mid-summer or mid-autumn. We suggest that you prefer a size of around 10 cm (4 inches) and remove all the leaves from its lower part. Use a knife to scrape the cutting’s stem and roll it using rooting hormone (powdered).

Fill a pot with a moist rooting medium and insert the lower 5 cm (2 inches) of the cutting into it. Cover the pot using a plastic bag to keep its surrounding air moist. You can also cover the pot using a milk jug. Wait until the cutting generates some roots. Afterwards, remove the cover and plant the plant in a sunny spot.

Maple seeds: You can also grow maple trees using their origins. Early spring, early summer and late fall are the three seasons when these seeds can mature well. However, the maturity period ultimately depends upon the species.

Plant the seeds about 2 cm deep in moist peat moss and place them inside a plastic bag. Afterwards, put the bag in your refrigerator for around 90 days. After taking out the seeds, it’s better to place them in a warm spot. Once you notice germination, place them near a window so they can grow. After some time, you can plant these seeds in your garden.


Planting and Maintenance

Transfer the maple plants into a pot once they are a few inches tall. Use high-quality potting soil so that these seedlings can enjoy all the required nutrients for the next two months. Afterwards, nourish them with liquid houseplant fertilizer. Use a half strength fertilizer and apply it after every 7 to 10 days.

Fall is a suitable season to plant maple cuttings or trees, but you can choose any months when the ground is not frozen. Pick a spot that receives full or partial sunlight. Dig a hole matching the size of your pot. Place the maple plants in the soil, but ensure that its soil line is even with the previous setting. Don’t bury the stem too deep. Otherwise, it might rot.

Fill the crack using the soil you just took out to create it. Add fertilizer to promote healthy growth. Press the ground down using your foot to take out any air pockets. Finally, level the soil with water and add a mulch layer worth 5 cm.

Do not add fertilizers until the second spring. Use composted manure or 10-10-10 fertilizer and spread it over their root areas. Once the tree is fully grown, add fertilizers only when needed. A maple tree can with bright and attractive foliage don’t need any fertilizers. If you force them to grow, then the result might not be favourable.



We hope now you know how to grow a maple tree in your garden. Never transfer the maple plants to your garden until there are no chances of frost.

Plus, do not over water the seeds. Otherwise, they will rot due to constant exposure to water. Happy gardening.

About M H Sharaj

Sharaj is a passionate garden enthusiast and expert gardening tool reviewer with more than 5 years of hands-on experience. His love for gardening blossomed in his childhood, nurtured by weekends spent in his family's vibrant garden. Sharaj holds a degree in Management and enjoys the unique challenges and rewards of roof gardening. He combines his horticultural knowledge with a keen eye for innovative tools and equipment, providing readers with insightful, unbiased reviews. When he’s not testing the latest gardening gadgets, Sharaj is cultivating his own lush rooftop garden oasis, filled with a variety of plants and flowers. His mission is to inspire others to create beautiful, sustainable gardens using the best tools available.